Have a migraine just thinking about it? These tips for road trips with toddlers and kids will make any trip easier!
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How to Pack Toys – Tips for Road Trips with Toddlers
1. Pack small bins, trays, or baskets for kids to use when eating.
This is especially helpful if you’ll be eating any meals in the car. The small bin creates a little table for your child’s lap and contains the food that would otherwise be dropping down and spilling everywhere.
2. Pack small toy sets in separate pouches.
Pass out toy sets one at a time. You can swap it out for a new set when they’re ready for something different. This keeps toys more organized and fresh along the drive.
We fill our pouches with small cars, character sets like Daniel Tiger or princesses, magnetic blocks, markers and small notebooks, finger puppets, any small animal figurines, small action figures, etc.
These are our favorite pouches for travel. Great for organizing everything!

What Food to Pack
3. Pack more snacks than you think you could ever possibly need.
Then double that amount, and you just might have enough. Opt for nutrient dense options where you can – pea crisps, apple sauce pouches, pieces of fruit, cheese sticks, meat sticks, etc. There will likely be more junk food than normal, so having healthier items on hand can add some balance!
We love this container for snack storage!

What Clothes and Supplies to Pack
4. Pack your diaper changing supplies somewhere very easy to access.
I kept a pouch with the diapers, wipes, and changing mat under the driver’s seat. If we stopped quick for gas, I could easily pull out just the diaper changing kit for a quick diaper refresh. (This beats digging through a jam packed back pack trying to dig for the supplies you need.)
5. Pack back up back up clothes somewhere easy to access.
There will be a time when you think, “I would have sworn there was another shirt/pants/socks in this dang bag!!” And at that time you will be so grateful to your past self for packing those back up back up items. I stash them under the front passenger seat.
6. Pack a trunk potty.
Seriously. Put a training potty in the trunk. Perfect for rural stretches when there isn’t anywhere to stop. (They also make actual travel potties if you prefer that – I like to use what we already have.)
BEST trunk potty for travel here!

What Technology to Pack
7. Bring SCREENS and Listening Devices
This is my top pick for tablets!
There are various options for size based on the memory and screen size you want. SO much cheaper than ipads – plus they’re durable!
For listening devices, we love our Yoto Player and Toniebox. They’re take listening devices that can be used with headphones, and you can play songs and stories on them.

Consider a DVD player instead of tablets if your kids are young.
We use a portable DVD player that has two monitors that attach to the back of the headrests in the car, so all three kids can watch one movie together. We can set up the movie, and the kids are set.
Tablets can be tricky to navigate if kids are very young or unfamiliar with using them. Consider how much help they will need navigating and using the device. Will it be frustrating for everyone? For us DVDs players are MUCH easier with 3 young kids.
8. Check out DVDs and CDs from the library.
No need to buy loads of DVDs. Hop to the library and check out a wide variety. It’s also fun to get DVDs about the regions you’ll be driving through. We also love LeapFrog for awesome educational content.
We love to get audio books on CD, fun soundtracks, and Disney Song + Story CDs as well.
9. Ditch all the cases and put library DVDs in an old CD case.
We fill an old CD case with all the DVDs and CDs from the library. It takes up much less space in the car than bringing along all the cases.
Planning for Stops!
10. Plan for potential stops ahead of time.
In warm weather months I look at the route in Google Maps and consider where along the route we might need a break. Then I zoom in on the route to see if there are parks or playgrounds that look like they’re close to the highway. Grocery stores, children’s museums, and libraries can all be good options depending on how long you’d like to stop.

Have young kids? You will love these 50 EASY things to do with toddlers!!
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