These are the low prep, FUN spring activities for kids we all need!!
These cheap spring activities for kids are perfect for keeping busy at home or if you need St. Patrick’s Day or Easter activities for your toddlers!
There’s something for everyone here!!
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Getting ready for Spring?!
Shop my favorite non candy Easter basket ideas here!
Shop our favorite outdoor toys here!
Shop arts and crafts supplies here!
Fun Spring Sensory Bins for Babies
Taste Safe Sensory Bins:
– cooked spaghetti and plastic bugs (make it green by adding food coloring while cooking)
– crushed cereal + farm animal figures spring soup (water + food coloring) – make it green for St. Patrick’s Day or pink for Easter
– spring at the farm – pudding mix and water (add any farm creatures)
– jello table – make green jello with plastic bugs inside for kids to find and discover
– plastic bugs frozen in ice – thaw them out in the shower
– carrot washing (get the big ones!)
– cool whip and green food coloring (put your plastic bug in for messy fun!)

Fun Spring Sensory Bins for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Spring Sensory Bins:
– vegetable farm: pinto beans with fake carrots and toy tractor
– springy water: water, purple food coloring, and cornstarch (makes cloudy purple water)

– black beans, pink pompoms, and scoops
– potted plant sensory bin: offer beans with fake flowers and pots to make potted plants
– pink and green dyed beans – mix great northern white beans with pink acrylic paint in a gallon bag, and then pour in a thin layer on parchment paper to dry. Repeat for additional colors.
– green rice + insects (shake long grain rice in a bag with food coloring, lay on parchment paper to dry)

– pink or green bubble foam (1:1 ratio baby soap and water w/ food coloring mixed with hand mixer) + bugs
– yarn bin: fill a bin with green yarn and plastic bugs – let child explore cutting the yarn
– fizzy springy potions: fill small bowls with baking soda, and explore reactions with vinegar (add food coloring for extra fun)
– ookblek – 1 cup water, 2 cups cornstarch, food coloring
– kern kernels and farm animals
– dirt and plastic bugs (I do this outside)
– dyed pasta – shake dry pasta in a bag with acrylic paint and pour on parchment paper to dry
– freeze pink pompoms in an ice cube tray – melt and thaw to release
– spring play dough tray

Sensory Bags for Spring
Spring and Easter Sensory Bags:
hair gel + food coloring + flower gems (found in the craft aisle at Dollar Tree or craft stores)flower seeds + waterhair gel + water + grasshair gel + flowershair gel + candy corn
hair gel + pink and green pom poms
paint bags to mix red and white paint to explore making pink (or green, purple, etc.)
shaving cream + pink food coloring in a bag

Kids’ Spring Activities with Nature
These Fun Spring Activities for Kids focus on activities in nature!

Activities with Flowers and Nature:
– stick sorting by size (sort into big and small – or arrange from shortest to longest!)
– cut the grass (send them out with scissors and let them cut the grass – I’m serious, they’ll love it and be occupied for a long time!!)
– nature walk: go on a nature walk and collect treasures (sticks, pinecones, leaves, etc.)
– nature bar graphs: draw a grid on the sidewalk and create a bar graph sorting the items from your nature walk by color.
– nature paint brushes – paint with leaves, sticks, and flowers. (You can also tape pine needles or leaves on the end of sticks.)
– make a DIY wind chime

Kids’ Spring Art
Despite some clean up, I’m all for MESSY art!

Spring Art for Preschoolers and Toddlers:
– flower stamping – use flowers to stamp and paint
– paper plate rainbow – cut paper plates in half and paint like a rainbow
– stamping with Easter cookie cutters + paint
– stamping with bunny shaped Peeps
– kindness rocks – paint rocks with acrylic paint and leave for others to discover
– stamping with pink Duplo legos and pink paint
– family mural – spread out butcher paper and draw stems – invite the family to paint the flowers and make a murals together
Full directions for paper plate bunny baskets here.

Fine Motor Activities for Kids – spring themed!
Spring Fine Motor Activities
– play dough tinker tray: provide play dough, pompoms, and pipe cleaners for kids to create springy sculptures
– decorate cardboard eggs – cut egg shapes out of cereal boxes and decorate them (Chunkies paint sticks, paint, and markers all work great!)
– circle tracing to make flowers: round up circular objects and pink and green markers – invite kids to trace the objects and turn the circles into flowers
– garden maps: provide chart paper, markers, and flower stickers – let kids draw their own map of a garden
– art tray: place out all the yellow, pink, purple and green art supplies on a tray – open invitation to create
– magic drawing (crayon resist) spring art – draw images in white crayon and paint over with watercolors to reveal
– giant coloring page – make a big color sheet on kraft paper or a grocery bag
– make and mail St. Patrick’s Day or Easter cards
– string penne pasta on pipe cleaners (can paint the pasta first if you’d like!)
– make spring collages (pull flyers from the mail for lawn care, gardening and flowers – let kids cut apart the ads and make a collage with a glue stick)
Tasty Spring Snacks for Kids
Spring Snack Activities:
– bunny bait trail mix: combine random items from the pantry + pastel M&Ms (add any other bunny themed snacks you’d like!)
– leprechaun bait: same idea as above – mix together whatever you’ve got and add some lucky charms or green candies
– DIY bunny houses: make mini houses with graham crackers, frosting, and decorate with Easter candy
– dessert popcorn: pour candy melts over popcorn + add pastel sprinkles
– make a fruit rainbow!

– make a Froot Loop Rainbow – details here!

Outdoor Spring Activities for Kids

Spring Adventures for Kids Outside:
– go to a local airport and watch planes take off and landfamily research: brainstorm questions about spring (like spring animals, spring weather, or rainbows) and then visit a library to find the answers to kids’ questions
– find a local farm to visit
– go to a nature preserve – take a picnic!
Thank you for reading these fun spring activities for kids!! Sign up for the Low Lift Fun email list to get easy kids’ activities and parenting tips delivered straight to your inbox!

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